Upcoming Training
Control / Defense Utilizing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
This class and the follow up classes that will be provided will give you the needed skills to survive a hands on confrontation.
Principal Bases Training will include:
Worst Case Scenario You
Are Being on the BottomControl And Restrain
of SubjectMount Survival
Aliveness Drills
Final location will be provided to those students selected. Click the link below to register.
To whom it may concern;
As a police officer of more than 25 years I believed that I was well-equipped to handle myself in nearly all confrontations. I was young enough, strong enough, and possessed sound defensive tactics to control most encounters. Quickly, I passed the 30 year mark and realized that I was no longer as strong nor as quick as I once was and I sought out a means to even the playing field. Having said that, I sought out Gracie Jiu Jitsu at TEAM Bundy Academy.
Coach Bundy provided instruction that integrated Gracie Jiu Jitsu techniques into my patrol-related functions. The attention to detail and the focus on proficiency and skill instead of strength to control situations was the difference I soon realized would be my equalizer against a younger, stronger combatant. Coach Bundy and Gracie Jiu Jitsu have assisted me in leveling the playing field while providing me with added confidence in my ability to protect myself as well as the lives of others.
In a nutshell, the instruction I have received and continue to receive is a game changer!
Bill Barna Patrol Officer
OTOA RDS Instructor Class
OTOA Red Dot Pistol Training hosted by North Coast Peace Officer Training Foundation.
Cost is $275 and you must be an OTOA Member. New members can join OTOA at sign-up. You can register and pay for the class at the Ohio Tactical Officer Association website.
Course will include:
The course covers an individual officer wanting to enhance his ability with the RDS or start gaining knowledge of the RDS.
The fundamentals redefined; structure vs. strength, less effort = better efficiency.
Pros, cons, as well as limitations of optics available in the marketplace will discussed at length.
Proper use of RDS in inclement weather and how to overcome those conditions through technique.
Proper use of RDS in CQB environments and at extended distances.
Proper use of RDS with damage and or obstruction of the glass.
It allows an agency or team to acquire more information on the RDS pistol prior to making a purchase.
It will allow the officer to provide in-service instruction to officers.
Each officer will gain the knowledge necessary to not only self diagnose their own performance but more importantly the performance of their students.
Individual attention will be given to each officer to ensure that they are comprehending all material presented and are able to apply that knowledge while instructing others in the use of an RDS equipped pistol.
Mounted and Dismounted movement, when and why to use these techniques.
The why’s will be explained, discussed and answered with every technique taught within the curriculum.
The OTOA will supply
Glock RDS pistol
Choice of the holster
Choice of the magazine carrier,
Choice of weapon mounted light
Choice of red dot optic.
Student requirements:
Ball cap
Eye/ear protection
Inclement weather gear (wet/cold)
Belt capable of holding and drawing pistol at speed suggested 1.5” – 1.75”
750 rounds of quality 9mm ammunition
Note pad/pen/pencil
Range snacks/water/hydration
Force on Force Sims Shoothouse
Using Simunitions and opposing force, this class will test your skill and theory in real-world environments. Low light, no light, combative subjects, and hostile intent simulations will be utilized to bring this training to life.
CQB Handgun Course of Fire
This course will teach proper weapons handling in close proximity to others. Primary focus will be to demonstrate utilizing your handgun from and around your patrol vehicle, structures and partner.
Course Includes:
CQB handgun
Angles & Doorways
From & Around Vehicle
Building Search
Working with Parter & Small Team
Cover & Concealment
Rappelling Performance under Hight Stress
This full day training will cover basic rappelling and weapon utilization under high levels of stress. All training and rappelling gear will be provided to students at no cost.
Please bring your handgun and carbine rig. A complete list of equipment will be provided. A prior class of Close Quarter Battle would be appropriate for the course of fire. Also, bring a lunch or snack as this is a full day of training. This is an outdoor activity, dress accordingly.
There will be professional photographers on-hand to capture the days’ activities.
Accuracy Drills & Malfunctions
North Coast Peace Officer Training Foundation (NCPOTF) is bringing you the best in Handgun and Carbine accuracy drills. This training will include trigger control, shooting tight-group near and far, transition drills with reloads, trigger reset and grip. We will also cover “the five brothers” (AKA Fingers) and how they work together but how they work against you as well.
We will be confirming Zero on Carbine. Please bring something to lay on and a shooting block for barrel support.
Training Includes:
Trigger Control
Shooting Tight-Group Near & Far
Transition Drills with Reloads
Trigger Reset
Grip the Five Brothers
Costa CQB (Class FULL)
North Coast Peace Officer Training Foundation (NCPOTF) is excited and honored to host Costa Ludus and their Close Quarter Battle Training. This will be a one day Class with an eight-man limit. Thanks to NCPOTF, this training, including all ammunition, will be provided FREE to officers. A $500 deposit is required to reserve your participation in this training but will be returned on the day of the event.
CQB; Live Fire and Sims Shoothouse will provide students with the knowledge to successfully demonstrate competence in alarm drops, wellfare checks and more. This course will teach students proper weapon manipulation techniques for specific use in close proximity to others. The primary focus of instruction will be to show how to successfully utilize handguns around and inside structures, and use these seemingly obtrusive objects to their advantage. The long angle wins.
Stair, covered & uncovered
Proper gear selection and placement
Cover and concealment
Angles & doors
Primary weapon manipulation
Movement drills and improvised shooting positions
Two-man team
Costa Ludus (Chris Costa) conducts training for the game of life, where the knowledge and skills learned in training may one day translate over to the streets or battlefield, determining life or death. We train others with the understanding that life is bigger than us. We understand the sacrifices that others make on a daily basis for our freedoms – that is why we take training so seriously.