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Costa CQB (Class FULL)


North Coast Peace Officer Training Foundation (NCPOTF) is excited and honored to host Costa Ludus and their Close Quarter Battle Training. This will be a one day Class with an eight-man limit. Thanks to NCPOTF, this training, including all ammunition, will be provided FREE to officers. A $500 deposit is required to reserve your participation in this training but will be returned on the day of the event. 

CQB; Live Fire and Sims Shoothouse will provide students with the knowledge to successfully demonstrate competence in alarm drops, wellfare checks and more. This course will teach students proper weapon manipulation techniques for specific use in close proximity to others. The primary focus of instruction will be to show how to successfully utilize handguns around and inside structures, and use these seemingly obtrusive objects to their advantage. The long angle wins.


  • Stair, covered & uncovered

  • Proper gear selection and placement

  • Cover and concealment 

  • Angles & doors

  • Primary weapon manipulation

  • Movement drills and improvised shooting positions 

  • Communication

  • Two-man team

  • T-Halls

  • L-Halls

Costa Ludus (Chris Costa) conducts training for the game of life, where the knowledge and skills learned in training may one day translate over to the streets or battlefield, determining life or death. We train others with the understanding that life is bigger than us. We understand the sacrifices that others make on a daily basis for our freedoms – that is why we take training so seriously.

June 19

Accuracy Drills & Malfunctions